Mind Learners Transformational Coaching Program

Înscrierile sunt închise pentru grupa din Primavara 2024. 
Vă puteți înscrie pentru grupa din Toamna 2024.
Admiterea pentru cele doua grupe (Primavara si Toamna) se face continuu, pe parcursul anului, până când numărul maxim de participanți este atins. De regulă grupul este completat cu câteva luni în avans, așa că luați în calcul aplicația cu cel puțin trei luni înainte de data stabilită pentru începerea sesiunii alese.

Cred că fiecare om care face „învățare” are un proiect de suflet, care îl atinge dincolo de rolul și misiunea profesională. Și asta este Școala de Coaching pentru mine. Un spatiu în care să pot intra cu știință (informații, competențe, experiență) dar și cu foarte multa neștiință (dinamica grupului, temele lui, intensitatea experiențelor, lipsa de răspunsuri) și a crește cel puțin la fel de mult ca oamenii cu care lucram.

În cei peste 15 ani de când fac training și coaching, am ajuns să cred că nimeni nu este prea mic pentru a schimba lumea. Pentru că lumea se schimbă om cu om. Am înțeles că fiecare om care se transformă pe sine poate la rândul său atinge viețile a nenumărați alți oameni cu care vine în contact și am avut privilegiul să fiu de multe ori martora unor asemenea transformări. 

Împreună cu colegele mele, Carmen Sidon si Alis Anagnostakis, sunt onorată să fiu parteneră de drum atâtor oameni care au curajul de a merge pe transformării personale.  

Programul de formare s-a născut în 2015, la inițiativa lui Alis. De atunci au absolvit 10 generatii (9 în România și una in Australia) și s-a creat deja o comunitate de oameni care duc mai departe lecțiile învățate împreună și care au creat apoi prietenii extraordinare, proiecte noi și inițiative comune.

Misiune, principii, valori
Misiunea Programului de Coaching Transformațional Mind Learners este să pregătească coachi excepționali, care vor deveni capabili să genereze transformări profunde în organizațiile pentru care vor lucra și pentru clienții pe care îi vor servi. Am pus în acest program tot ce suntem noi ca și coachi și toată experiența pe care am dobândit-o de la mentorii noștri și de la zecile de clienți care ne-au acordat încrederea de a le fi însoțitor pe drumul dezvoltării lor. Am bucuria să am alături de noi în acest proiect de suflet câțiva prieteni, profesioniști care cred, ca și noi, că un coach este acela care poate face altora un cadou fără preț – capacitatea de a fi de nedezamăgit.

Vom selecta în program persoane profund motivate nu doar să facă coaching, ci să fie coachi dedicați, plini de compasiune și impecabil pregătiți. Participanții noștri sunt manageri sau profesioniști seniori, care au maturitatea și motivația să ducă mai departe cunoștințele pe care le vor dobândi și să devină agenți ai schimbării în lumea din jurul lor.

Convingerea noastră este că nu poți genera schimbare dacă tu însuți nu ai trecut prin ea. De aceea, programul va pune un accent deosebit pe auto-cunoaștere și conștientizare. Vom oferi coaching și mentoring individual fiecărui participant, în plus față de feedback-ul și mentoring-ul pe care îl vor primi în cadrul cursului. În acest fel ne vom asigura că toți coachii noștri vor fi avut, înainte de toate, experiențe transformaționale ca și “coachee”.

Programul, care respectă toate rigorile  Federației Internaționale de Coaching  și este  acreditat ACSTH, are o structură unică, construită în jurul a trei piloni – Minte, Inimă, Spirit. Va fi o combinație originală de concepte din neuroștiință, psihologie și coaching transpersonal, ce va oferi participanților o înțelegere deopotrivă profundă și cuprinzătoare asupra a ceea ce poate fi coachingul. 

Intrând în acest program intensiv de 4 luni, 130 de ore de training și mentoring live și peste 160 de ore de studiu în total, fiecare participant pășește într-o călătorie fascinantă și plină de provocări prin complexitatea transformării umane. La final, fiecare proaspăt coach își va fi identificat și formulat viziunea sa unică despre coaching și va fi susținut să o pună în practică.

Având în vedere gradul mare de angajament pe care îl presupune participarea, grupa va avea maxim 15 participanți. Admiterea în program presupune o discuție de admitere cu fiecare potențial participant pentru a stabili motivația lor și compatibilitatea cu grupul și cu viziunea proiectului.

Puteți găsi agenda detaliată și alte informații despre admitere  aici.  Pentru înscriere la discuția de admitere îmi puteți trimite un mail la  alecsandra.litu@gmail.com sau carmenmaria.sidon@gmail.com 

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    Testimoniale participanti

    “I found the program valuable for several reasons. First, it focuses on ICF competencies and prepares you for an international accreditation as a coach. The modules were were extremely well documented, the information was easy to assimilate and the logistical support impeccable. Beyond the practical aspects, for me it was an inner journey in which I learnt to listen to others and listen to myself, to be present (I believe presence was one of my paramount gains in this program and it is vital for coaching), to turn my attention towards myself and have the courage to be authentic with my future clients. I learnt not to “steal” their lessons and experiences, to allow for space so that my client can, sooner or later, discover what is best for them. I liked the interdisciplinary nature of the program. It was all about people and emotions, about communication and patience, about trust in the client and the process. It was about helping and developing people. Even if a participant decides not to pursue a certification in coaching (although the program is perfect to set the ground for this) I would still highly recommend it for the faboulous journey towards oneself.”

    Manuela Avram (Support Renewal Snr. Manager, Oracle)

    “I used to think of the concept of ‘school’ as a place where you needed to learn according to a well-established curriculum and then prove your worth by regurgitating whatever information was left available after having memorized everything you could. The Mind Learners Transformational Coaching School couldn’t be further away from the antiquated notion I had in mind. It is hard to put into words the experience I have had in the months spent with Alis, Delia and my colleagues. There was a curriculum, but one that we mutually agreed on and that had proved to be valuable for our mentors before us. There was a lot of information exchange, but our worth was not proven by it. Rather by the experiences we shared and the insights we managed to help others generate. Above all, this emotional roller coaster of an experience was transformational because the people that participated, starting with our mentors, were extraordinary and I am privileged to be able to call them unconditional friends. Above the acquired competencies that ICF requires and that are the basis of our experience, I am positive that this is the start of a wonderful community of people with their minds and hearts set on changing the organizations they are in and the world for the better. Thank you for the opportunity, Alis and Delia!”

    Cristiana Lupu (Eastern Europe & CIS Premier Support GRSC Director, Oracle)

    “It started with me looking for a new step in my personal development and it ended with me becoming a coach. Meantime, the way was very smooth because the most important tools used by this school were the structured style to present the information and the ingenuity to integrate the information during many exercises and coaching sessions even from the beginning of the program. The school offers me the frame for acquiring the ICF competencies, finding out different techniques, understanding the need for creating space, developing the skills for presence, curiosity, awareness, and all these now support me in transforming my team an my work daily, questioning more, be authentic with others and also with me. But the most relevant in this journey was discovering me in a total, different, priceless “moon” on the coach chair not without going and exploring the one of the coachee. Thank you Alis, Delia and all my colleagues for this opportunity!”

    Ana-Maria Pacioga (Manager, Raiffeisen Bank) 

    “The Transformational Coaching School is in itself a profoundly changing experience. I not only learned new ways to BE a coach, but I did this in an organic growth process together with a wonderful group of people. The rhythm was at the same time accelerated and intuitive, and I especially appreciated the openness and constant encouragement from Alis, Delia and my colleagues. It was a tremendous development experience which showed me once again that in order to be a good coach, you need to first be open to your own learning.”

    Maria Dinu (Talent Manager, Coca Cola HBC)

    (in Romanian) “Școala de coaching Mind Learners a însemnat pentru mine una dintre cele mai frumoase experiențe pe care le-am trăit și, totodată, începutul unei etape din viața mea, o etapă trăită din ce în ce mai conștient. Mi-e dificil să cuprind în cuvinte toată această experiență. Alis și Delia au pus bazele unui spațiu în care noi, școlăreii, să ne putem avânta într-un proces de transformare atât individual cât și colectiv. Sunt extrem de recunoscătoare pentru Alis, pentru Delia, pentru toți colegii mei, pentru că simt că fiecare a fost în această călătorie la timpul și locul potrivit. Teoria coaching-ului a fost îmbinată într-un mod minunat cu practica, practica, practica. Această practică pe noi nu ne-a omorât, așa cum se spune, ci, dimpotrivă, ne-a făcut să trăim. Au fost zeci de ore trăite în prezență, autenticitate, vulnerabilitate, ore pur și simplu transformatoare într-un fel magic pentru noi, ca oameni. Apoi, din această prezență, din acest “a fi” pe care l-am “învățat” fiecare dintre noi, coaching-ul pur și simplu curge într-un mod fabulos. Multumesc din suflet!”

    Dana Elena Canciu

    “I started this journey aiming to find my way to a conscious and joyful life, also to learn how I can better contribute to other people’s personal and professional development, enabling them to discover and use the potential they have for their own benefit and, why not, for their organizations. From the beginning I felt this program fits me perfectly, but I didn’t see yet the “big magic” that was going to happen and be with us throughout the entire trip. I was privileged to meet great people and to be trained by Alis and Delia with whom we created the most beautiful and meaningful learning experience I have ever lived! Furthermore, the program is structured in accordance with the ICF requirements which makes it even more valuable, facilitating the process for people who want to become ICF Certified. I am honored and proud that I graduated from Mind Learners Coaching School! Thank you!

    Lili Gadei (Project Manager & People Manager, IBM)

    “The Mind Learners Transformational Coaching Program was inspiring, intense, full of revelations and full of learning lessons. The program provided a valuable opportunity to experience the vulnerability, the humbleness and also a precious way to learn and reflect, in a safe, supportive and enlightening environment. The highly experiential nature of the program goes far beyond an ordinary coaching training. It’s a life changing experience ignited by the generous spirit of Alis, Delia, Mer and Paul. Alis, Delia, Mer and Paul were outstanding in their capacity to transmit their knowledge and experiences. Their presence with warmth and good energy made the program a truly transformational experience. The program delivers a comprehensive philosophy of treating ourselves and also others with respect, mindfulness, empathy and compassion. We were not just mind learners but we were soul learners too. The Mind Learners Transformational Coaching Program is about so many things and beautiful people but most of all is about awareness, and awareness heals!”

    Simina Giurgiuca

    “If I were to summarize the experience of this Coaching school in few main ideas, I’d say it was as challenging as it was an important self discovery experience. First session, 11 people, all new to me ( and I can say that I wasn’t so aware of myself either, so almost 12 :)). And then, with small steps, I was able to see the beauty inside my colleagues, the beauty inside myself. I learned how to listen without judging in any way. I also learned how to judge myself less, how to trust and go ahead with my decisions. How to respect the story of each person and be grateful for the amazing gift of being able to hear, of being present. Each course was an amazing mix of emotions, smiles, jokes, tears, hugs, doubt, hesitation, trust, happiness,dreams, energy, colors and is going to remain one of my best life experiences.”

    Lucia Tudor (Manager, Vodafone Shared Services)

    „Mind Learners Transformational Coaching Program is an outstanding coaching school and so much more than that. It’s  an enriching experience. It’s a journey of self-discovery. It’s a journey of discovering the beauty and greatness that lies in others and in ourselves. It’s inspirational and life changing. I strongly believe that the most important tool a coach has, beyond the professional skills, is himself. The more self-aware he is, the more able he is to be present, the more „undissappointable” he is, the better he will be at accompanying and helping his clients through their own journey.  And that’s precisley what Alis, Delia and Maria taught us to do: how to be the best version of ourselves as coaches and as people and for that i am so grateful. The many hours of practice we did during the program, all the skills we aquired, the information we received and the profound transformation we went through will help me and my colleagues take the knowledge we received into the world and  become change agents. We will start spreading the light we received. Thank you Alis, Delia and Maria for the opportunity to be a part of this program and to get to know all of you!”

    Minola Șerban

    “Mind Learners taught me about me, about people and the God inside of me. It made me remember that less is more. I realized it becomes complex when I searched for resolutions outside of me. I also realized during this program how I was limiting myself thru choices under the impulse of life habits or limiting beliefs. I learned that my body speaks to me thru sensations and that brain cannot “translate” with the same speed what the heart “thinks”. At Mind Learners, seeing myself in the mirror, my journey for self transformation began with a new mindset. Beforehand, if I want to be a coach, I need to be the change I want to see in others…”

    Ionuț Ardeleanu (Country Planning Supervisor, HP)

    “An authentic school, having that deep meaning all schools should have and that true and noble scope to be a space where us, “the students” would be ourselves, full of courage to dive in our souls and minds and bring forward our best version. I feel now that we were not 12 students and 3 teachers but 15 learners, in the most profound way, shaping from inside out our perception of life and work. I am so grateful to all of them and I take with me and will cherish forever their beauty, their passion, their vulnerability, their wisdom. And this is only the beginning of a beautiful journey to accomplish my own mission as I feel now I have what it takes.”

    Alina Marin (Oracle)

    “A valuable lesson about connection, authenticity, and unconditional positive regard, where I have discovered how to develop my coaching skills, and work with tools and models, and a million much more. You are not only entering a great learning group, you will be going through an incredible learning experience of self-discovery and empowerment, and you will have your own “taste” of the impact of transformational coaching process while working with your peers and with the best client that you could have, yourself. This is how the learning experience was for me, a journey where I have discovered the coach in me, owned my style, as well as learned to appreciate and be confident about it. Mind Learners School is a well balanced mixture of both mind and body information, spiced with interactivity and activeness, introspection and joy, strongly infused with passion and ethics of work. I have finished the program wanted to know and be more for myself and for others.”

    Olga Udrea, psychotherapist, founder Mind Initiative.

    “If you are looking for a transformational experience synchronised with a learning experience, you’ve arrived at the perfect place. This program is for the ones that are open and are eager to learn. It is for the ones that are willing to explore themselves and take responsibility for their lives. It is for the ones that are willing to serve this world through their presence and gifts. It is for the ones that want to lead through love and compassion. It is for the ones that want to create a better life for themselves. It’s been like a ride on a rollercoaster feeling all range of emotions: from fear, chaos, to excitement, grace. love and compassion. I am more than grateful for getting to the right mentors, for the shared knowledge. for the beautiful friends that I’ve made during this program. Due to this experience, my perspective of the world shifted. Thank you for all. I’ ve created the foundation for all that I will build next in my life”

    Bogdana Runcan

    “Mindlearner’s School of Coaching was for me a unique experience of re-connecting with my inner self after going through a sometimes not so pleasant process of looking at myself as a human being that is unique yet vulnerable, whole yet sometimes biased and above all else worthy of and able to love and be loved. I strongly believe this is what makes this program stand out and be so successful – by allowing us to be more in touch with our own feelings, beliefs and thoughts, we access an internal richness that help us be more connected with and more useful to others”

    Ioana Popa, Collections Manager for EMEA non-integrated countries at HP

    “I have attended the Mind Learners Coaching school in the fall of 2016. That was the right time for me to do it as I was going through a phase of self reflection and self discovery and I felt I needed not only help but also the right set up. It’s a school that offered me the space to learn, to meet and especially connect with great people, to allow myself being vulnerable and open but safe. Although I had some connections with coaching before, either as trainer in my company or as a coachee, I always had the impression that, as coach, I’ll take the negative vibe and client’s problems on me; however, during these months at the Coaching school, I realized it’s not about this, but rather I feel so good while guiding the other person on his/her road; it is an energy transfer, but one that made me feel content. I guess I was also lucky to be part of an inspiring group, to have chemistry and connection with them and to keep contact as it’s a pleasure to meet them in different contexts. The entire experience brought me positive energy, new friends, new discoveries, new feelings, a long list of books to read and knowledge that I am using in my coaching sessions and in my daily interactions with everyone. I noticed I have a tendency to being leading, now I am aware when it comes up and I can quickly adjust. I recommend this school to people that want first to discover themselves and then to offer a hand to the others. I want to thank to all my colleagues for being open and not judgmental, to Delia for feedback and psychology knowledge and to Alis for facilitating the entire experience, the authenticity and inspiration!”

    Denisa Cristache, HR BPO Portfolio Senior Manager for Romania & Czech Republic, Accenture 

    “Attending the coaching school was such an amazing journey! I started in February being very enthusiastic about the course and having my own thoughts about how it was going to be. Guess what?! All of my scenarios about how it would be were wrong. I had to deal with and adjust to a totally different approach than I had seen before. I’m not going to lie and say that it was easy. It wasn’t, at least not for me! If you want to do this coaching school you need to be prepared to see and accept your faults. You have to be ready to work on your challenges and find solutions to them in your mind and heart. It’s a place where you cannot lie to yourself, there is no place to hide. You have to deal with it. For me it was a lesson on authenticity. It was a new journey for my old self, it challenged a lot of my beliefs. Working with Mind Learners confirmed to me once again how important it is to accept yourself and others. It is important to see the perfections in the dark and to believe that people have a lot of potential to be great. I would’ve stayed there for another six months at least. I’ve met amazing people, ready to do the hard work that helped me to become a better me. Beautiful people that I know for sure will spread their wings and do their magic in this twisted world. It took me a few months to decide if I wanted to take this step but after I had the interview with Alis I understood that it was the best decision. She has a way of inspiring others. She pushed the right buttons to help me wake up. I’m not a big fan of words, I believe in facts at the end of the day, but I can say that the school can be life-changing if you allow your true self to say hello to the world”

    Alina Cristache, Manager, Microsoft

    “My journey through the Mind Learners Coaching School was one of the most profound experiences. Attending this program coincided with the decision to start making my contribution to the world as a freelancer. On the one hand, I wanted to learn about coaching because I knew I wanted to become a professional coach in addition to my many years of experience as a trainer. On the other hand, I needed someone to honestly and gently act as my mirror because I was aware that I needed to sort some things out on the inside. The Coaching School was an intense experience, uncomfortable and challenging at just the right times. I value the connection with Alis and Carmen, their presence and support throughout the program and beyond, I am grateful for this experience and so I highly recommend the program to anyone who wants to become a transformational coach or simply take the opportunity to reconnect with their inner self.”

    Cristina Oțel, Blogger, Leadership Development Trainer & Coach. 

    “I became a butterfly 🙂 I’ve finished my coaching school, one which is very dear to my soul. Even if the school is finished, my journey is just beginning. This was much more than a school, it was a process of inner transformation that begins to show on the outside as well. Like the process of becoming a butterfly. The way they transform is quite special: the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly is amazing. It develops through 4 stages. And the breeders have confidence in this process – they do not shake the cases, nor help the butterfly when it struggles to get out. They know that this struggle strengthens the wings of the butterfly, gives it power to fly alone. It was the same with school – a gentle accompaniment to unfold our wings. It was altogether – journey, flight, accompaniment, learning, knowledge, change, acceptance, content, hug, comfort, dedication, understanding, sigh, music, body, mind, spirit, smile, whisper, breath, silence, friends, support, renunciation, lifting, authenticity, story, rainbow, snow, sun, light, joy, me, fulfilment, love. It was about knowing myself, making peace to myself, loving myself so that “inside” became a very bright place. And this light I want to share with as many people as possible. Many thanks, Alis and Carmen – I am so grateful for your sharing and guidance, for all the tools you gave us, all recommendations, books, informations and precious resources you presented. Mind learners is indeed a butterfly sanctuary, where coaches spread their wings!”

    Sabina Șelaru, Human Resources Director.
